Title: COUNTER-STRIKE XTREME V7 Released: 2013 Genre: Action (Shooter), 3D, 1st Person Developer: bluelytning Publisher: CS-XTREME.ORG Translation: Bricks_966 Language: Russian Language: English Publication Type: pirates Tablet: Not required. Description: I present you the new version of the game - Counter-Strike Xtreme v7. Now added more than 60 new models of weapons and the players that can not but rejoice. The game has changed beyond recognition in the store became available new weapons and players that make the game even brighter and more exciting. Also changed logos, textures, sprites and sounds. But with new features, new, specific requirements for rail component of your computer. Counter-Strike Xtreme v7 is markedly different from previous builds the world-famous fashion Half-Life. The first thing that catches your eye - it's graphics. It has become more colorful through changes in the composition of new t...
rhythm zone ku loh eror add songnya .. itu kenapa?